HMB stores all of your data on your Phone which is great as your customer list is only ever seen by you.
The downside is that if you loose your phone or it's damages then you have just lost your entire customer list as well as any active job information and billing data.
So you need to back you your HMB database on a regular basis.
YOUR SHOULD BACKUP YOUR HMB database daily! - it only takes a moment!!!!
The HMB backup is fairly simple
Go to: System | Backup
Click the 'Backup the Database and send it as an email' option.
This will cause HMB to backup your database (this is very quick) and then launch your email client.
To check that the backup was successful, check your email inbox to confirm that you received the email and that it has an attachment with a name in the style of:
If you want to go one step further, you can download then unzip the file check that it has a file with a name in the style of: hmb-backup-yy-mm-dd.db
The file should be non-zero in length.
NOTE: there is a known bug when using GMAIL!!!! - to get around this problem you need to enter at least one character into the body of the email (a space will do) before clicking send. If you don't do this, then the backup won't be attached to the email.
We are looking to develop a more robust backup solution going forward.
NOTE 2: backups do not include photos. You should use your phones backup options to backup these files.
Last updated