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Last updated
Tasks are where you will spend most of your time in HMB.
You add Tasks from the Job edit screen.
Task are used to:
describe work to be done
take/attach photos
create estimates for quotes (via the Estimator).
track time and materials.
build shopping and packing lists.
You create a Task from the Job Edit screen after saving the Job.
You can create any number of Tasks within a Job but every Job should have a least one Task.
I usually create tasks as I'm talking with the customer or doing a site visit.
It's up to you just how granular you make your tasks. Some common task might be:
paint master bedroom
add transition strip to back door
install door closer
order doors
pickup doors
Each Task has an associated lit of Task Items.
Items allow you to track:
tools that need to be packed
tools that need to be purchased
materials that need to be taken from stock - stuff that you have in your shed
materials that need to be purchased.
Tools added to your Task Items will appear in the 'Packing' list.
When entering an Item, if you select one of the 'Material' Item Types, you can enter the dimensions of the item. Select the 'Measurement Type' - length | area | volume and the Units, then enter the measurement for each of the dimensions.
HMB will calculate the Area or Volume of the material based on the entered dimensions.
By default HMB uses the Metric system but you can change to Imperial by navigating to System | Business and selecting 'Imperial' from the 'Unit System' drop list.
When creating tasks, I like to take a number of photos (using the camera icon near the bottom of the task edit screen) to provide context for the task and to provide reference material when estimating the task.
Items added to your task that are marked as 'buy' are added to you global shopping list and will appear on the invoice (you can adjust these items at invoicing time).