Time Tracking
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HMB can track the time you spend on a Job or more correctly, on a Task.
Time tracking is critical for Time and Materials (Cost Plus) jobs as it is the basis for the generation of Invoices. For a Fixed Price Job time tracking is useful as a way of seeing how well you are estimating jobs and as a resource you can use for future estimates.
Time is tracked against a Task.
Find the Job card, open it to see the list of Tasks. You can start a task timer by click the icon on the Task card.
When you have a timer running it will appear at the top of the HMB app.
If you start a task when you already have one running, HMB will prompt you to end the current task. You can only track time against a single Task at a time.
If you have an active Task timer then it will appear on the top of the HMB main page. You can stop the task timer directly from the main page.
When you stop working on a task you can click the icon to stop the timer. The time is then added to the task. You can also directly create and edit time entries from the Task screen - I use this more for correcting time entries rather than creating them.