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HBM allows you to Invoice your Jobs either at the end of a job or as the Job progresses.
This is the standard invoicing model within HMB. When you generate an invoice it is held in the HMB system and you can email a PDF copy of the invoice to your customer. HMB doesn't track your invoice and you would normally need to manually enter the invoice details into your account package.
HMB generates an Invoice as per 'Simple Invoicing' but is able to automatically upload the invoice to your Accounting package. Once HMB has generated an Invoice you can edit the Invoice in your accounting package before sending it your customer.
The following Invoicing packages are supported:
To generate an Invoice navigate to Billing | Invoices and click the Add button
HMB supports both Fixed Price (Cost Plus) and Time and Materials billing.
Fixed Price - the Job is billed to the customer for a pre-agreed fixed price.
Time and Materials (T&M) - the Job is billed at an agreed hourly rate plus the cost of materials.
When creating a Job you choose the Billing Model.
When creating Tasks within a Job they inherit the Job's billing model however you can alter the billing model on a per Task basis.
Regardless of the Billing Model the charge calculations are derived from the Tasks that make up a Job.
The System screen allows you to set default Hourly rates and Booking Fee rates for Jobs billed as T&M. These rates are also used when creating an estimate for a Job.
You can override the default rates via the Customer Screen and then again at the Job level.