Fixed Price
The Fixed Price Billing Model allows you to bill progress (milestone) payments to your customer. At any point, you can create an Invoice for the job and enter a amount or a % of the quoted amount to generate an invoice.
The system will not let you bill above 100% of the quoted price. If additional work needs to be billed then create a new Job for the additional work.
When you generate the final invoice all tasks and task checklist items are marked as complete.
Booking Fees
HMB allows you to add a Booking Fee to your Fixed Price quotes.
For Fixed Price Jobs the Booking Fee will not appear on the invoice and is only used when calculating the total for the Fixed Price Quote.
The Booking fee will be taken from the 'Default Booking Fee` on the System | Billing screen UNLESS you specific a Booking fee on the Job.
You can set the Booking Fee on the Job to zero of you don't want the quote to include the Booking Fee.
Last updated