Time and Materials (T&M)

In some regions T&M is referred to as Cost Plus.

For T&M billing you track you time by creating Time Entries within a Task and for Materials you add checklist items to the task and mark them as Materials - buy or Tools - buy.

With T&M billing you can progressively bill the customer by creating an invoice at any time. All Time Entries and materials marked as completed, up to that point in time, will be added to the invoice. The next progress invoice you generated will only add time entries and materials added since the first invoice and so on.

Before the invoice is generated you have the opportunity to edit what tasks and materials are included.

You can also delete the Invoice and recreated it if you need to adjust rates etc.

When you generate a 'final' invoice all non-invoiced time and materials are included. Additionally all Tasks for the associated Job are marked as complete and billed along with any checklist items.

Booking Fees

HMB allows you to add a Booking Fee to you T&M invoice.

A Booking is a one of charge associated with a Job.

The Booking fee will only appear on the first invoice you generate for a Job (regardless of the number of visits). If you want to change additional Booking Fees then create a new Job for each visit.

The Booking fee will be taken from the 'Default Booking Fee` on the System | Billing screen UNLESS you specific a Booking fee on the Job.

You can set the Booking Fee on the Job to zero of you don't want to invoice the Booking Fee.

Last updated