Last updated
Last updated
Note: the quotation module is still under development - have a play and give us some feedback via Discussions or by raising an Issue.
You build a quote by adding Tasks and Task Items to a Job and then providing estimates for each task.
Once all of the Tasks have been entered you can create a Quote from the Job card and then send a PDF version of the quote to your customer.
When creating tasks you can select the billing method (fixed price or time and materials) and enter an estimate for the task. You an add checklist items which if marked as 'Materials - buy' appear in the quote.
Once you have created all of the task along with their estimates you can create and email a quote from the Job Card
Click the 'Generate and Preview PDF' button to create a quote ready to be emailed.
Once you have created your quote you can email the PDF directly to the contact associated with the Job. Make certain you have entered an email address for the Contact.
To email the PDF click the email icon at the top right hand side of the generated PDF.
Before you generate you first quote you should configure you Business and Billing information under the System menu.
Payment Details:
You can control whether payment details are displayed on the quote via the System | Billing screen:
Enable: Show BSB/Account on Quote/Invoice
Enable: Show Payment Link on Quote/Invoice
You can customise several aspects of a Quote.
From the System | Billing screen you can upload a logo and set the colour scheme to be used in the quote.